Through-Hole Technology Definition
Through-Hole Technology (THT) refers to a method used in PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) for mounting leaded components. THT requires drilling holes in the circuit board, inserting the component leads into these holes, and then soldering them on the backside of the board to secure the components and connect them to the conductive paths on the PCB. This is typically done through manual soldering or wave soldering.

THT (Through-Hole Technology) is an older assembly method where component leads are inserted into drilled holes on a PCB, vias and soldered to pads on the opposite side of the board. SMT, on the other hand, involves mounting components directly onto the surface of the PCB using solder paste.
THT stands for through hole technology. It is a method of mounting electronic components on circuit boards. THT involves drilling holes through the PCB and inserting the leads via those holes.
With the establishment of PCBs came a significant technological leap: the development of Through-Hole Technology (Through hole soldering). This method, where components were inserted through one side of the printed circuit board and soldered on the other, marked a new era in electronics manufacturing.
THT is the method of inserting leads of components into drilled holes in the PCB. THD is an electronic component that can be found on a PCB . Its designed to be inserted directly into PCB.
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